Our Story


As the proud dad of two very busy (and sometimes naughty puppies), Laney and Cleo, I was constantly looking for a new treat that would keep my pups busy for more than a few minutes and I found bully sticks did the trick. I quickly realized though there was two problems with bully sticks.

First, when Laney and Cleo chewed the stick down to the last inch, they would swallow the last bit whole. It could be quite scary for a while until a few hours later they would puke the stick back up along with a lot of bonus gunk.

Second, bully sticks are CRAZY expensive! Going to a pet store I couldn't believe I could spend $10 a bully stick and that wasn't sustainable.

As a proud Veteran getting out of the Army with an Undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering, I felt like I had perfect solution that could provide my dogs a safe treat and myself a business to start after the Army. Mighty Chewz and the Bully Bone were born.

Using a 3D printer and a lot of prototypes I came up with a durable, safe and easy to use device to lock the bully sticks in place - with no way they could be pulled free. The danger of the swallowed bully stick was solved.

To find an affordable bully stick, I spent months researching and doing some fancy internet searches to find where the Big Box Retailers get their sticks from. I found the perfect suppliers that sold 100% Natural - All Beef Bully Sticks with rock bottom prices I could pass onto my customers.

As a small business owner, EVERY single customer counts to me. If you have any problems, feedback or just want a send me a pic of your pup with our Bully Bone please reach out! 

Happy Chewing,


Owner / Founder